Make your kiss memorable

As Kissing is a wonder lust Social Pleasantry, and a way to connect with your partner, this magical collision of lips and tongues allows you and your lover to really connect in a deep and personal way, and it even has lots of health benefits.


Let us start with the fun stuff ^.^ When you go in to kiss your beloved give your partner the cue that you are reaching for a kiss. A pleasant smile and loving eye contact is a good start, just soften your gaze by relaxing your eye muscles, also licking or biting your lips as well as shifting eye contact onto your partner's lips is a good indication that you are feeling the vibe and a kiss may just happen!

The key to nailing the pre kiss is matching your partner's speed and intensity, so when you or your partner start to lean in for the kiss, meet for the kiss half way. Don’t stop with just their lips, you can kiss your way around their face, nuzzling them, gently biting and nibbling, a kiss should be fun and affectionate. Necks, cheeks and more should be given your intimate touch as well.


Find ways to Subtly and respectfully touch your partner, whether it be to brush your partner's hand, or touch their shoulder as you reach in (while reaching in it also helps to tilt your head a little) Don’t even be afraid to touch your partner's thigh as the kiss gets more intimate.


Remember, the kiss you are sharing is as unique as the relationship so the best way to achieve a natural kiss is to follow your instincts, relax and just do what feels natural. A first kiss with anyone can be a little nerve wrecking, maybe even a little awkward but just try to relax don’t forget to smile and enjoy it, as this is something you and your special someone will remember and cherish always as you grow closer together.



As for the fun health benefits... Kissing is a natural relaxer, Passionate kissing actually relieves stress, reduces tension and built up negative energy, it also lowers ‘cortisol’ your stress hormone! You may even be able to consider kissing some-what of a workout as kissing literally uses 30 facial muscles.


The tension in the muscles help increase circulation, thus exercising those cheeks! Kiss to keep your facial muscles tight and help your skin stay youthful. Kissing burns up to 3 calories a minute, research claims that three passionate kisses a day (each kiss at least 20 seconds long) will cause you to lose an entire extra pound! It may be time to consider Kissing Diet?


Just try it is fun

Ashly Cena